EO Discover 2.0: The platform for smarter leak management.
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ASTERRA Gives Global
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Learn How EarthWorks Monitors Critical Infrastructure
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From Dashboard to Workspace: Embracing the Future of Water Utility Management with EO Discover 2.0
Revolutionizing Infrastructure Monitoring: How SAR Imagery Uncovers Hidden Moisture Risks
The Critical Importance of Sewage Leak Detection
One Year On: The Story of POI 33197 and the Team Behind Its Success
Racing Toward Sustainability: ASTERRA Zooms into 2025
ASTERRA’s Asset Management Solutions Close Water Demand Gap
SAR imagery preprocessing for Vision Transformers
The Power of Mindset in Proactive Leak Detection
Analyzing Soil Moisture Risks from Space Through Large Datasets: A Comprehensive Guide
What Does Climate Change Adaptation Mean to Me?
ASTERRA Surpasses 1 Million MWH of Global Energy Savings
Tackling Water Loss, Climate Resilience, and Bringing Transformative Technologies to Spain
ASTERRA Forges New Trails and Expands to New Regions in 2024
Redefining Urban Resilience: How Smart Cities Pave the Way for Better, Safer Citizens
ASTERRA technology and the development of Smart Cities
ASTERRA’s Infrastructure Intelligence Efforts Toward the SDGs
Major Disasters: Why We Can No Longer Tolerate Complacency or Reactive Strategies for Infrastructure Failures
ASTERRA’s Journey to 100k Leaks
Mine Water Management: Effective Strategies for Mitigating On-Site Risks
6 Devastating Coal Mine Accidents Throughout History and Lessons Learned
Learning from Dam Failures: Analyzing 5 Instructive Examples and Their Lessons
Road Infrastructure Planning: A Comprehensive Guide to Building Better Transportation Systems
ASTERRA Finds Sneaky Infrastructure Failures and Leaks Hiding in the Marshes
Sinkholes, bridge collapses, and other disasters: Using EarthWorks to predict the failure of aged infrastructure that could lead to mass loss of life and property, and environmental destruction
Water Leak Detection Equipment: Pros and Cons
How ASTERRA Solutions Work Across Several Industries
EO Discover: Environmental Metrics and ROI at Your Fingertips
Water Line Leak Detection Methods: Classic vs Modern Solutions
Earth Observation: Solutions From ASTERRA
ASTERRA Locates Leak Number 75,000 – A Milestone Worth Celebrating
Geospatial Analytics and EarthWorks: How It Works and Why It Matters
Trends in Water: What to Expect For 2023
SAR Sensor, Remote Sensing, and ASTERRA: Advancing Geospatial Solutions with Synthetic Aperture Radar
Levee vs Dam Technology: What are the Differences?
The Power of Water: Reducing Real Water Loss
Technology Spotlight on ASTERRA at WEFTEC
Tailing Dams Monitoring: What You Need to Know
Infrastructure Monitoring and Maintenance: The Role of EarthWorks
What Causes Pipeline Damage?
What Is Soil Moisture Detection and Why Does it Matter?
EUSAR Conference and the Renaissance of L-Band SAR
Netherlands Dikes and Levees: Effective Flood Defenses
International Water Association: Water Loss Conference
Leak Detection In Italy: Examining Historic Infrastructure
Creating Drought Resilience With Satellite Technology
ASTERRA’s ACE22 Experience: Part 2
Space and ACE22: Part 1
A Walk Through a Historical Mine: How ASTERRA’s EarthWorks Protects the Environment
AI Explained by ASTERRA’s Lead Data Scientist
Using Geospatial Data To Support Sustainability
Infrastructure Resilience: Why Is Satellite-Based Leak Detection Critical?
Non-Revenue Water: Unmasking Real vs Apparent Loss
ASTERRA: 2021 Year in Review
Finding Leaks: The Role of Satellite Leak Detection
Using Satellite Technology to Reduce Risk of Landslides
AWWA Features ASTERRA in Case Study About Subsurface Leak Detection
WEFTEC in Review
Imagine a Day Without Water
Source Water Protection: The Role of Leak Detection
A New Brand and a New Era For Utilis
Rescue Dog Team Collaborates with Utilis to “Find Leak”
The Utilis Impact Calculator
Passive and Active Sensors: Demystifying Satellite-Based Leak Detection
The History of Radar: Demystifying Satellite-Based Leak Detection
ASTERRA’s Top Tips for Reading Your Water Meter
How to Find a Leak in Your House
EarthWorks Dams and Levees
EarthWorks General
EarthWorks Road
EarthWorks Property
EarthWorks Mining
EarthWorks Rail
ASTERRA Recover Customer Spotlight
From Satellite Data to Actionable Intelligence
ASTERRA MasterPlan: Transforming Wastewater System Asset Management.
ASTERRA Recover: Revolutionizing Wastewater Leak Detection
ASTERRA: Pioneering Infrastructure Intelligence Solutions.
ASTERRA Recover: Revolutionizing Water Leak Detection
ASTERRA MasterPlan: Enhancing Water System Asset Management
Case Studies
ASTERRA and National Highways
Protecting Water Resources at Anglian Water
Identifying Sewer Exfiltration Using Satellites
ASTERRA MasterPlan Case Study in Hitachi Omiya Japan
Saving water using satellite leak detection in SES Water
Drought Resiliency in Northern Italy
Satellite-Based Subsurface Soil Moisture Mapping: Rail Monitoring in France
Recovering Lost Water: Case Study
ASTERRA Satellite Leak Detection Service: East China Water Utility
Non-Surfacing Leaks: The Key to Reducing Real Water Loss In Well Run Utilities
The City of Garland Reverses Rising Water Loss Trend
ASTERRA Leak Detection Service for VIVAQUA in Brussels, Belgium
California Energy Commission and Evaluating Satellite Technologies
Determination of Soil Moisture and its Application
A Pilot in Northern China: Case Study
Satellite Leak Detection Service in Prague
A Case Study From the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
AWWA Features ASTERRA in Article About Non-Surfacing Leaks
ASTERRA Satellite Leak Detection Service Servicios de Agua y Drenaje de Monterrey, I.P.D (SADM), I.P.D
Green Bay Water Utility Case Study: Remote Satellite Imaging for Leak Detection
The SSW Leakage Reduction Plans and Satellite Leak Detection
Arkansas Leak Detection: Satellites and Canines Team Up
Juárez, Mexico
Using Satellite RADAR Imaging to Detect Water Main Leaks in Texas
Using Satellite RADAR Imaging to Detect Water Main Leaks in Texas
Using Space-Based Innovation to Manage Assets
South Staffs Water, United Kingdom
Pitesti, Romania
Detecting Pipeline Leaks in Hilton Head’s HHPSD
Performance and Value Analysis for Public Authority for Water, Oman
Green Bay, WI: Using Satellite Data for Water Main Inspections
Bangkok, Thailand
New Braunfels: Satellite Data and Traditional Water Leak Detection in San Antonio
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Cologne, Germany
Duarte, CA: Detecting Leaks With Satellite Imagery
Central Arkansas Water: Satellite Imaging Technology Helps Reduce Nonrevenue Water
Satellite Leak Detection: A Data-Driven Business Case Analysis
Space Technology Beamed Down to Earth, UK
Prince William, VA: Proof Through Pilot Testing
Remote Imaging Reaches Beyond Antiquities, Italy
Skopje, Macedonia
Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Porec, Croatia
Albstadt, Germany
輪島の漏水調査、人工衛星を活用 水道管損傷をAI解析
Maynilad taps satellite and AI technology for leak detection
TERRAWATCH Space Podcast
ASTERRA Featured In Mining International
ASTERRA Featured In Lidar Magazine
ASTERRA Featured In Smart Water Magazine
ASTERRA Featured in Water Magazine
Satellites Spot Leaking Water Pipes from Way above Earth
Mapscaping Podcast: Finding Water Leaks From Space
Agua potable: un bien preciado que puede monitorearse con satélites desde el espacio
Suburban partners with ASTERRA
From Niche to Normal: “Business as Usual” for SUEZ Satellite Leak Detection
Italy scouts for Israeli water tech as drought concerns mount
Could Israeli satellite leak detection technology address the Nelson Mandela Bay water crisis?
Evaluating satellite and in situ monitoring technologies for leak detection and response
ASTERRA’s James Perry, discusses how downstream companies are adapting their business models to take advantage of this abundance of near real-time, low-resolution imagery.
Asterra Using Satellite Data to Manage and Conserve Water Resources, City by City
South West Water’s approach to finding leaks is out of this world
From Satellites to Sniffer Dogs: How Are Water Companies Tracking Leaks?
101 Top Israeli Infrastructure Companies and Startups
Global Top 100 Geospatial Companies – 2022 Edition
ASTERRA Continues Expansion in Japan
Satellites are helping to detect leaks in South Staffordshire and Cambridge
Caesb’s project maps leaks through satellite images
Japan Water Works Association Acknowledges Special Innovation Award for Toyota City, Japan’s Use of ASTERRA Recover
Globes and Statista present: Israel’s fastest growing companies
Using Satellites for Risk Prevention Is Focus at World Satellite Business Week in Paris
Making Conscious Decisions Based On Data
ASTERRA Releases EarthWorks Rail to Positively Impact Serviceability of Railway Tracks
ASTERRA Leadership Team to Speak on Preventing Water Loss at Water Loss Conference
Elly Perets of Utilis
East Bay Municipal Utility District Engages ASTERRA Technology by Utilis to Preserve Water
Geospatial Analytics Adding Resilience To Infrastructure – GWF 2021
ASTERRA Leads Global Water Sustainability Dialogue at AQUATECH
Asterra Appoints New Chairman of the Board to Accelerate its Growth
ASTERRA Releases EarthWorks Rail, Providing Soil Moisture Assessments to the Railroad Industry
ASTERRA to Host Vessel the First American Leak-Finding Dog at WEFTEC
Israeli Water Leaders to Gather at WEFTEC
9 Israeli companies helping fight the climate crisis
Interview with Lauren Guy (in Hebrew)
After Saving Over $609K, New Braunfels Utilities Executes Long Term Contract for Leak Detection and Analysis Using ASTERRA Technology by Utilis
Ep592: Lauren Guy | CTO & Co-Founder, Utilis Corp.
Designed in space, Asterra finds leaks and hazards under the Earth
9 Israeli companies helping fight the climate crisis
Tech Leaders: Elly Perets, CEO, Asterra
Designed in space, Asterra find leaks and hazards under the Earth
Utilis rebrands to ASTERRA and is presented with Innovation Award at VIP Celebration
Utilis launches new brand name ASTERRA
UPDATE: The Argentine Constellation SAOCOM, through VENG, Provides Data On Natural Resources To Utilis
Utilis event in San Diego to gather dignitaries from all over the world and to celebrate winning national award and bringing tech jobs to San Diego
Utilis works in cooperation with Argentinian satellite firm for data used to protect natural resources
Utilis Invests In AI With Expert New Hire
We Spoke to Elly Perets of Utilis
Elly Perets of Utilis: 5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Became a CEO
Mnuchin, Friedman Check Out Israeli Startups, Backed by Gulf Investment
“Israel’s Utilis Uses Space Satellites to Identify Small Leaks Within Exact Areas, Preventing Billions of Wasteful Activity There’s space for improving our world’s infrastructure”
New AWWA award recognizes Utilis for innovative water solution
Synthetic Aperture Radar and Its Fascinating Applications in the Water Sector with James Perry
AWWA Awards Inaugural Innovation Award to Utilis for SAR Technology
Yorkshire Water hails success of satellite leakage trial
Follow The Water: Utilis has shown the remarkable potential of space technology transfer
Taking Satellite Leak Detection to the Next Level with Cityworks AMS
Satellite software startup Utilis raises $6 million to detect terrestrial water leaks
Meet the startup using data analytics from Mars to save Earth’s water
Satellites helping to detect leaks
7 Kinds of Water Technology for Finding Leaks
Cologne takes to the skies for water
Pipe Problems: An uptick in water leaks has Greeley officials working to better target preventative repair projects
Microsoft’s AI for Good accelerator selects 14 Israeli startups for new cohort
Presentan tecnología satelital que permitirá monitorear 13 mil kilómetros de red de Aguas Andinas
Piave Servizi: guerra high-tech alle perdite idriche
Satellite system detecting leaks in Green Bay water system
Out-of-this-world technology helps Green Bay spot leaking water pipes
Utilis in Portugal TV
Acqua dall’aria: l’oro blu si produrrà anche in casa
Utilis report – I24NEWS
Water Online Podcast
Innovation in Water Tech: The 21st Century Plumber
Satellite Leak Detection: A Data-Driven Business Case Analysis
Outer space tech used by Israeli startup to find water leaks on Earth
High-Tech Leak Detection
WASA gets international assistance with leak repair
How Israel swims against tide of worldwide water crisis
Fixing a UK Utility Network from Space
Case history: i risultati della ricerca perdite nella rete ACDA utilizzando la tecnologia satellitare Utilis
A View From Above
World innovators and influencers make the final cut
Most Innovative Companies
Yorkshire Water is making some big investments underground, overground and even in space!
These are the 61 most innovative startups in the world
8 Israeli firms named World Economic Forum tech pioneers
8 Israeli startups make World Economic Forum tech pioneers list
8 Israeli companies make WEF’s ‘2018 Technology Pioneers’ list
A New Approach to Leak Detection Locates Problem Areas From a Satellite in Space
Assessing The Effectiveness Of Leak-Seeking Satellites
United Utilities launches space mission to find leaks
15 Israeli firms on Fast Company 2018 most innovative list
Fiverr, Houzz, OurCrowd Among 15 Israeli Firms On Fast Company’s ‘World’s Most Innovative’
Inspection team bolstered in battle to stem water leaks
Gruppo Hera aderisce al CEO Water Mandate Gruppo Hera aderisce al CEO Water Mandate
Why water companies are heading into outer space…
Satellite technology is used in Keighley to trace underground water-pipe leaks
Hera: risparmiato 1 miliardo di litri d’acqua con ricerca perdite Forlì-Cesena
Un satellite contro gli sprechi: salvato un miliardo di litri d’acqua
Severn Trent could start using satellites to detect water leakage from space
10 Water-Tech Start-Ups Set To Take 2018 By Storm
Beber hasta el agua del retrete
Water is scarce, but solutions can be found
Piave Servizi, che fornisce acqua potabile alla Sinistra Piave, si avvale della nuova tecnologia
Perdite idriche al minimo nella Marca: Piave Servizi si conferma accellenza del territorio
7 Water Tech Startups Helping Keep You Alive
Utilis takes top water innovation prize at Imagine H2O for tech that finds leaks underground
To DMA or Not to DMA? That is the Smart Water Question
‘Far Out’ Technology Simplifies Pipeline Leak Detection
In Conversation With: Lauren Guy, CTO & Co-Founder of Utilis Ltd.
Detecting water leaks from space
10 Technologies And Breakthroughs From ACE16
Business waters to flow between Romania and Israel
Transforming smart water asset management: ASTERRA unveils game-changing EO Discover 2.0 upgrade Platform enhancements create a dynamic workspace with customized, actionable insights for water and infrastructure management
Wajima City – Satellite image analysis
ASTERRA surpasses 1,000,000 MWH of global energy savings
ASTERRA Gives Global empowers partners and transforms communities
Maynilad taps satellite and AI technology for leak detection
ASTERRA to unveil new API at GEOINT
ASTERRA launches first ever API for commercial L-band SAR analytics
ASTERRA and SUEZ announce five-year contract for water and wastewater partnership
AEGEA selects ASTERRA Recover solution for water initiative
AEGEA selecciona la solución ASTERRA Recover para la iniciativa del agua
AEGEA adquire a solução ASTERRA Recover para sua iniciativa de redução de perdas de água
ASTERRA announces team promotions and new talent to accelerate already rapid growth
Gulf Coast Water Authority selects ASTERRA EarthWorks to monitor critical levee infrastructure in Texas
Ohio Water and Infrastructure Summit enables cross-industry collaboration for smart development
Brazilian utilities rapidly expand use of ASTERRA satellite-based solutions
Las empresas de servicios públicos brasileñas expanden rápidamente con el uso de las soluciones basadas en satélites de ASTERRA
Empresas brasileiras de distribuição de água aumentam rapidamente a utilização da solução baseada em satélite da ASTERRA
ASTERRA continues EarthWorks growth in 2023 with Uniper Energy
ASTERRA brings staggering 70x ROI and climate impact in LATAM
ASTERRA genera un extraordinario ROI de 70x y un impacto climático positivo en LATAM
ASTERRA retorna impressionantes 70 vezes o investimento realizado e provoca impacto climático positivo na América Latina
ASTERRA übertrifft 100.000 Wasserlecks
ASTERRA EarthWorks para minas gana el Premio a la Innovación Exitosa en la convención Perumin 36
ASTERRA EarthWorks pour les barrages miniers remporte le Prix de l’Innovation lors de la convention Perumin 36
ASTERRA EarthWorks para mineração conquista o Prêmio de Inovação de Sucesso na convenção Perumin 36
ASTERRA EarthWorks for mines wins Successful Innovation Award at Perumin 36
ASTERRA technology now used for wastewater exfiltration
ASTERRA ultrapassa 100 mil vazamentos de água
ASTERRA supera los 100,000 fugas de agua
ASTERRA dépasse les 100 000 fuites d’eau découvertes
ASTERRA übertrifft 100.000 Wasserlecks
ASTERRA surpasses 100,000 water leaks
ASTERRA announces EarthWorks expansion with new director in UK Earth observation leaders showcase solution at ESS Expo
ASTERRA announces EarthWorks integration with SkyFi
ASTERRA é utilizada em Buenos Aires para resolver problemas de perda de água
ASTERRA elegida para solucionar problemas de pérdidas de agua en Buenos Aires
ASTERRA tapped to solve water loss problems in Buenos Aires
ASTERRA Featured in Japan Waterworks Newspaper
ASTERRA and National Highways shortlisted for Ground Engineering Award for digital innovation
ASTERRA Will Present at United Nations World Water Day Conference
European Rail Agency Adopts EarthWorks
ASTERRA Gives Global Charitable Program: Water to Social
Introducing ASTERRA’s EO Discover SaaS Platform
75,000 Water Leaks Detected Using ASTERRA Satellite Technology
Northern Ireland Water Adopts Satellite Leak Detection Technology
ASTERRA and Tomorrow.io Team to Prevent Infrastructure Failures Worsened by Climate Change
ASTERRA Wins International 2022 Better Satellite World Award Honoring Sustainability
Assembly Member Christopher Ward Visits ASTERRA
ASTERRA’s Success Leads to New Industry-Focused Divisions
ASTERRA Guides Vitens to Reduce Water Loss
Orbital Insight & ASTERRA Team Up: Providing Infrastructure Monitoring Across Multiple Industries
ASTERRA Expands EarthWorks to Monitor Critical Infrastructure
How to Conserve Energy and Water in a Drought
ASTERRA Hosts Delegation to Introduce Innovative Water-Saving Technology in Italy
ASTERRA Exhibits Space Tech at AWWA’s ACE22 Water Conference
ASTERRA Poised for Expansion in Latin America and the Caribbean
ASTERRA Leaders to Attend GEOINT
ASTERRA’s Expansion in San Diego: Where to Find Us
Key Hire and Strategic Promotions: ASTERRA’s Response to Growth
P3 Water Summit Panel Discussion: How to Save Energy and Water
P3 Summit Panel Focuses on Energy-Saving Water Tech Innovations
ASTERRA Launches Charitable Give-Back Program
ASTERRA’s Expansion in Japan: What We’re Doing
ASTERRA, IsraAID & GBUC Partner to Achieve Sustainable Water Goals for Grand Bahama Island
Pinellas County Partners with ASTERRA to Preserve Water
Japan Water Works Association Acknowledges Special Innovation
Rail Live Features ASTERRA’s EarthWorks Technology
Preventing Water Loss: Discussion at The North American Water Loss Conference
East Bay Municipal Utility District Engages ASTERRA to Preserve Water
ASTERRA Leads Global Water Sustainability Dialogue at AQUATECH
ASTERRA Appoints New Chairman of the Board to Accelerate its Growth
ASTERRA VP James Perry to Speak on Sustainable Development Goals at WEFTEC
ASTERRA to Host Vessel the First American Leak-Finding Dog at WEFTEC
New Braunfels Utilities (NBU) Starts Long-Term Contract With ASTERRA
ASTERRA Releases EarthWorks Rail: Providing Soil Moisture Assessments to the Railroad Industry
Utilis Rebrands to ASTERRA and Receives Innovation Award
ASTERRA (Utilis) Hosts Innovation Award Celebration
Utilis Invests in AI With New Machine Learning and AI Expert
Utilis Partners With VENG for Data Used to Protect Natural Resources
New AWWA award recognizes Utilis for innovative water solution
Innovative Leak Detection: Asterra Wins AWWA Innovation Award
ASTERRA Launches MasterPlan for Water Utility Asset Management
Utilis Secures $6 Million from Beringea
Trinidad and Tobago Engage New Leak Survey Method by Utilis
Utilis Expands and Opens a UK Office
Utilis in 2020: Message to Customers and Partners on Results and the Future
Utilis Inc. certified with Esri Release Ready Specialty
Utilis and Innovyze: Revolutionary Full Asset Planning Solution
Utilis Releases Hydro-Scan™ to Provide Satellite-Based Soil Moisture Data to SITE’s Proprietary Platform
Utilis Delivers First Contracted Aircraft-Based SAR Leak Detection Project Over Italy
Utilis Partners With SITE’s Total Property Assessment Platform
Kevin Weeks Joins Utilis North America
Utilis Signs Contracts With Water Agencies in Italy and Croatia
Team of the Year Award: Winners Utilis and Central Alliance
Utilis Joins Esri Partner Network
Multi-Energy Group Joins the Utilis USA Partner Program
Leak Detection Results
Utilis Invited to Present at AWWA’s ACE 2019 Conference and Expo
Utilis Advocates for Texas Senate Bill, Enabling Business Exchange with Israel
Utilis Undertakes Pilot Program of their Satellite Leak Detection Solution in San Diego
Utilis Awarded Contract in Flint, MI to Reduce Water Leakage
Utilis to Host Their Second Innovation Summit in San Diego
Remote Sensing Company Opens its Doors to San Diego
Utilis Awarded as Technology Pioneers by World Economic Forum
Utilis Chosen as Winner of WATERFIRST! Initiative
Satellites and Soil Moisture: Advances in Asset Resilience in the Face of Climate Change
World Geospatial Industry Council Interviews Lauren Guy, Co- Founder and CTO of ASTERRA
MapScaping interviews CTO and Co-Founder at ASTERRA, Lauren Guy
Project Geospatial Interviewed Lauren Guy, CTO and Co-Founder of ASTERRA, at GEOINT 2024
Learn more about the fascinating world of machine learning with SAR imagery with ASTERRA’s Head of AI, Inon S. and Robin Cole, PhD
How far we go to solve the water crisis – DW Planet A and ASTERRA
BBC Spotlight
Digital Water Transformation in Latin America and Caribbeans
ASTERRA CTO & Founder Lauren Guy’s Interview with YNET
ACE Partner Theater: Melissa Peralta de Hidromedidores
ACE Partner Theater: Leonardo Gonzales, Hidromedidores
ACE Partner Theater: Leonardo Gonzales de Hidromedidores
ACE Partner Theater Video: Héctor Juárez, Hidromedidores (in Spanish)
ACE Partner Theater: Ben Stanford, Hazen & Sawyer
ACE Partner Theater: Tad Bohannon, CEO & Vessel the leak detection dog from CAW
ACE Partner Theater: Using Innovyze & ASTERRA Technology
ACE Partner Theater: A Single App To Support Field Workflows
Donna Starling, City of Irving, Texas talks about ASTERRA
Cynthia Baughman: Customer Perspective | Garland, TX
ASTERRA’s Impact on Earth
Get To Know ASTERRA Channel Partners | Central Alliance
Get to Know ASTERRA Channel Partners | R&M
Get To Know ASTERRA Channel Partner | 2f Water Venture
Get To Know ASTERRA Channel Partners
The Future is ASTERRA
Impact Video
Utilis’ satellite leak detection technology at Severn Trent, UK
New Technologies for Leak Detection
Utilis – Imagine H2O 2017 Data Challenge Winner
Interview with Nick Haskins – Suez UK
Interview with Cristina Ahmadpour – Isle Utilities
EO Discover 2.0 Launch
Reducing Non-Revenue Water: The Role of Satellite Leak Detection
L-Band SAR-Based Soil Moisture Monitoring: An introduction
Reducing Water Loss: Where to Start? ASTERRA hosts Marion Liemberger from the Ramboll NRW Team
Satellites & Soil Moisture: Protecting Earthen Dams and Levees from Space
From Crisis to Conservation: San Bernardino’s Journey with Satellite Leak Detection
AWWA Exclusive Webinar with ASTERRA
Half a Million Gallons a Day Recovered in less than 2 Months – Satellite Guided Water Loss Recovery for the City of Lima, OH
Earthen Dams & Climate Change: Background, Case Studies, and Mitigation Best Practices
Implementing Satellite Leak Monitoring in Bangkok, Thailand
Satellite Leak Detection – Efficient Water Loss Recovery in Homestead, Florida
Monitoring Tailings Dams from Space: Failure Prevention Using Subsurface Soil Moisture Analysis
Multi Year Pro Active Leak Detection Program The City of Griffin, GA
Protecting Dams & Levees from Space: Subsurface Soil Moisture Analysis
UN Virtual Side Event – Protecting Critical Water Resources from Space
ASTERRA Webinar featuring Greenville, MS – A Case Study
Navigating EU Funding for Water Projects
Using Satellite Based Radar for Subsurface Soil Moisture Mapping to Protect Earthen Dams & Levees
Satellite-Based Earth Observation Seminole County, FL
ASTERRA EarthWorks and Subsurface Soil Moisture Mapping
How ASTERRA Is Leading the PolSAR Revolution
Conserving Water and Energy: P3 Water Summit
City of Garland Water Utilities’ Water Loss Reduction Program
Boots-on-the-Ground Perspective with Bojan Ristovski from AquaSave
Satellit baserad läcksökning: From ASTERRA and Terratec
ASTERRA Recover Reverses an Unsustainable Water Loss
Why Leak Detection in Oahu Is Now 400% More Efficient
ASTERRA MasterPlan is a Powerful New Tool in Asset Planning
Satellite Leak Detection Changed the Game in Irving, TX.
How ASTERRA Recover is Saving Henry County 10M+GPY
Bringing ASTERRA Innovation to Small and Rural Water Agencies
Hilton Head’s Secret $500,000-a-Year Leak Found by ASTERRA
Caso de Estudio Piloto en Buenos Aires
White Papers
Reducing Non-Revenue Water: The Role of Satellite Leak Detection | A Ramboll Whitepaper, by Marion Liemberger
Application of EarthWorks to Dam & Levee Infrastructure
Soil Moisture Content Mapping Using L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar
Synthetic Aperture Radar for Underground Leak Detection
Serbia: Leak Detection in Water Supply Network Using Satellite Technology
Dam & Levee
Earth Observation
Potable Water
2025 GovTech 100 Award
PERUMIN Hub 2023 “Successful Innovations” Mining Category Winner
Geospatial World Forum Excellence Award
2021 Geospatial World 50 Rising Stars
2021 AWWA Winner Innovation Award
2021 WWD Young Pros: Let’s Make Water Systems Visible
2021 Geospatial World 50 Rising Stars
2020 GovTech 100
TechFest 2020 Team of the Year Award
The Atlas Award
Pitch SABESP Innovative Solutions
2018 Global Cleantech 100 Ones To Watch
The Herald Global Game Changes 2018
World Economic Forum Technology Pioneers Cohort of 2018
Water First A Special Focus At Seeds & Chips 2018
Fast Company’s Most Innovative Companies 2018
Aquatech Innovation Award 2017
Imagine H20 2017 Water Data Challenge Winner
VP People
VP of Marketing
Account Manager