
Utilis Invited to Present at AWWA’s ACE 2019 Conference and Expo

May 28, 2019
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AWWA’s ACE 2019 Conference and Expo

Utilis will present “Demystifying Satellite-Based Leak Detection,” at an invited session for AWWA’s 2019 Annual Conference and Expo (ACE), taking place June 10th -12th at the Colorado Convention Center. Additionally, presentations by outside consultants at the conference will include case studies from the Utilis customer base. Utilis will also be participating in a live interview podcast and have a booth at the exposition in space #4407.

“Our work is included in multiple case studies that are being presented at the conference, which is incredibly exciting,” commented Elly Perets, CEO of Utilis, who will attend from Israel. “The fact that other consultants have independently chosen to present our solution demonstrates the success of our technology, and this is the biggest compliment possible.”

Three opportunities to hear about Utilis will take place on the Monday of the ACE 2019 Conference. Beginning with a live Water Online podcast, James Perry, Utilis V.P. of Business Development, will be interviewed at 10am (taking place at booth# 4320). Leita Bennett of GHD will present the Prince William County Virginia case study in room ‘Mile High 1A’ at 2pm, and Tori Yokoyama of Hazen and Sawyer will be presenting on a comparison of leakage reduction technologies in room ‘Mile High 1A’ at 4pm. Lastly, the invited session will take place on Tuesday, presented by James Perry, in room ‘Mile High 1D’ from 2:15-3:15pm.

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