
ASTERRA and SUEZ announce five-year contract for water and wastewater partnership
Press March 26, 2024

ASTERRA and SUEZ announce five-year contract for water and wastewater partnership

Continuing to build on 8 years of strategic collaborations, the joining of forces of two titans benefits nearly every UK...

ASTERRA Forges New Trails and Expands to New Regions in 2024
Blogs March 26, 2024

ASTERRA Forges New Trails and Expands to New Regions in 2024

We are three months into 2024, and the exponential growth ASTERRA experienced in 2023 continues. As the pioneer of sustainable,...

Ohio Water and Infrastructure Summit enables cross-industry collaboration for smart development
Press December 13, 2023

Ohio Water and Infrastructure Summit enables cross-industry collaboration for smart development

Ann Fisher moderates expert panel and audience of industry leaders in discussion on sustainable water and infrastructure programs New Albany,...

Brazilian utilities rapidly expand use of ASTERRA satellite-based solutions
Press December 5, 2023

Brazilian utilities rapidly expand use of ASTERRA satellite-based solutions

Adoption of satellite leak detection in South America is giant leap toward developing smart cities and protecting communities from water...

Las empresas de servicios públicos brasileñas expanden rápidamente con el uso de las soluciones basadas en satélites de ASTERRA
Press December 5, 2023

Las empresas de servicios públicos brasileñas expanden rápidamente con el uso de las soluciones basadas en satélites de ASTERRA

La adopción de la detección de fugas por satélite en Sur América es un gran paso hacia el desarrollo de...

Empresas brasileiras de distribuição de água aumentam rapidamente a utilização da solução baseada em satélite da ASTERRA
Press December 5, 2023

Empresas brasileiras de distribuição de água aumentam rapidamente a utilização da solução baseada em satélite da ASTERRA

A adoção da detecção de vazamentos por satélite na América do Sul é um salto gigantesco em direção ao desenvolvimento...

ASTERRA technology now used for wastewater exfiltration
Press September 28, 2023

ASTERRA technology now used for wastewater exfiltration

Locating sewer defects using remote Earth observation is critical to protecting human health and the environment San Diego, September 28,...

Press September 26, 2023


世界各国で事業を展開するASTERRA(アステラ)社、米国ペンシルベニア州で10万件目の漏水を検知< 米国・サンディエゴ2023年9月18日...

ASTERRA dépasse les 100 000 fuites d’eau découvertes
Press September 19, 2023

ASTERRA dépasse les 100 000 fuites d’eau découvertes

En travaillant à travers le monde, la 100 000e fuite a été trouvée en Pennsylvanie San Diego, 2023 – Une...

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