Case Studies

California Energy Commission and Evaluating Satellite Technologies

July 5, 2022

Evaluating Satellite Technologies for Leak Detection and Response

The California Energy Commission funded a study to evaluate two technologies to assess their usefulness as an early leak detection tool for alerting field teams and to better understand the impact on energy savings through managing water loss. Specifically, the latest in advanced correlating continuous acoustic monitoring and satellite imagery leak detection technologies were examined over a period of 12 months in the Duarte system of California with 4.9 mgd production capacity and representing several pressure zones in the service area.

A key conclusion was that both technologies improved the effectiveness of locating subsurface leaks that would have been invisible to the casual observer, and both were potential candidates for future applications. When implemented together in this study, the two technologies found leaks that would have resulted in between 57–170 mil gal of lost water during the study period. This equates to 140–419 MWh of energy savings in California, amounting to cost savings of at least $100,000 for the Duarte system alone during the 12-month study period.

To view the entire case study by the California Energy Commission, please visit the AWWA website.


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