
New Braunfels Utilities (NBU) Starts Long-Term Contract With ASTERRA

October 11, 2021
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San Diego, CA, October 5, 2021: After eight years of planning, New Braunfels Utilities (NBU) found its most efficient process of detecting water leaks, using ASTERRA’s Recover leak detection and analysis technology by Utilis. NBU recently signed its fourth contract with Utilis, this time including an option to extend the contract for four additional years. 

After saving over $609K, New Braunfels Utilities executes a long-term contract for leak detection and analysis using ASTERRA Technology by Utilis. NBU has been using ASTERRA Recover technology for over three years. It allows their team to view imagery of the full water utility system, including subsurface regions. “Being able to get a full scan of your entire distribution system and finding points of interest that are sending you to places with a high probability of leaks was a massive time-saver . . .” said Jason Theurer, Water Operation Manager for NBU. 

According to Jessica Green, Water Services Division Planer at NBU, their satellite leak detection program takes a “strategic maintenance approach.” They will scan 100% of the system every quarter and closely watch critical evaluation metrics including leaks found, the location of points of interest, and water savings.  

After a short pilot program, 229 leaks were detected in 2019. In 2020, 302 leaks were detected, and in the first quarter of 2021, 60 leaks were detected. Many of these leaks were subsurface and unidentifiable before ASTERRA Recover technology by Utilis. By finding and resolving those leaks, NBU is saving 134.5 million gallons of water. This amounts to a cost savings of $609,992 and a 204% return on investment. 

“ASTERRA Recover technology by Utilis is reducing non-revenue water loss in New Braunfels and across the globe,” said Gadi Kovarsky, Director of North America Sales for ASTERRA. “This is one tool in NBU’s toolbox for dealing with water loss. Recover supports resource resilience, allows them to manage their leak detection program reliably and efficiently, and supports good stewardship of the financial resources of the community. By expanding their contract to include optional multiple year extensions, NBU is affirming the success of the program.” 

Both NBU and ASTERRA are recognized industry leaders for their work related to water conservation. Recently, the technology behind Recover won the American Water Works Association’s (AWWA’s) Innovation Award. NBU shares some of their program awards here. To learn more about how NBU uses leak detection satellite data to complement traditional leak detection and repair programs, read the article in Opflow, the magazine of the AWWA.

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