
ASTERRA’s Asset Management Solutions Close Water Demand Gap

December 17, 2024
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An article by the Water Industry Journal highlights the role asset management plays in closing the water sector’s gap between the amount of water available and the amount of water needed to meet current and future demands. Growing populations, drought, and climate change place increasing pressure on water resources. As a result, nearly every community across the globe is concerned about the ever-widening gap between supply and demand.

Asset management is the ongoing task of renewing and replacing public infrastructure. Following the best practices for asset management can play a crucial role in helping the water sector bridge the demand gap. In this blog, we are focused on water, but infrastructure also includes roads, railways, dams, levees, canals, and mines. Asset management planning and strategies help a utility maximize the value of capital assets as well as their operations and maintenance dollars.

Asset management programs provide utility managers and decision-makers with critical information on capital assets and the timing of investments in the maintenance of current or the purchase of new assets. A program will have multiple steps, including making an inventory of critical assets, evaluating their condition and performance, and developing plans to maintain, repair, and replace, as well as funding these activities.

ASTERRA solutions provide intelligence at each step of asset management programs and are a key strategy for extending asset life. ASTERRA also provides the intelligence needed to reduce water losses, improve water use efficiency, and support more efficient resource allocation. ASTERRA’s EO Discover workspace provides asset managers with all the information they need right at their fingertips. ASTERRA uses satellite data combined with their proprietary algorithms to provide asset management intelligence. This intelligence is reported on EO Discover as geospatial maps of soil moisture data and deficiencies, water, greenhouse gas, and other energy saving metrics. This platform solution supports the rapid response to issues and mitigates risks of costly and dangerous failures of these critical infrastructures.

In the Water Industry Journal article, it was reported that there was a keynote address at the British Water’s International Conference given by Robbie Moore, MP, Minister for Water, where he discussed the compelling, long-term need for asset management.  “Growing demand for water and more intensive periods of drought are projected to create a supply demand gap if we don’t improve water efficiency and invest in new water resource infrastructure. In England, the Environment Agency’s review of draft regional resource plans found that by 2050 an additional 4,000 million litres of water per day is needed to meet future demand pressures,” Moore reportedly said.

Contact ASTERRA to take proactive steps to extend the life of your assets and close the demand gap. We invite you to a conversation where we will share more about the return on investment achieved through the use of ASTERRA solutions as a part of your sustainable asset management plan.

Please contact us to learn more about ASTERRA’s solutions.

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