Come see ASTERRA at ACE22

San Antonio, Texas | June 12-15, 2022 | American Water Works Association Conference

Satellite-Based Leak Detection is Changing the Industry

Tuesday, June 14

3:20 PM

Novel Use of Modern Technology to Benefit the Water Industry

James Perry

Executive Vice President

ASTERRA’s Recover product for satellite-based leak detection won the inaugural AWW 2021 Innovation Award application. This presentation will take the audience from conception to implementation, sharing experiences to give insight and inspire an innovative mindset. In addition to the technology, the barriers to innovation and challenges to get an innovation to be used by an industry that is steeped in tradition such as water utilities.

Wednesday, June 15

10:30 AM

Managing Non-Surfacing Leaks – The Key to Real Water Loss Reduction

Bruno Tume

Bruno Tume

Sales Manager, ASTERRA

Henry County Public Service Authority has had an increasing real water loss over a period of time and identified a program to reduce this trend. They retained the services of ASTERRA to use Utilis satellite leak pre-location technology to identify likely leaking locations (LLL) within their system using the Recover product. Recover has an excellent track record of finding non-surfacing leaks since 2016. Henry County PSA was able to locate 311 leaks pursuant to one service resulting in real water loss going from increasing at 29% per year to decreasing at 12% per year. This was documented through the excellent record keeping that correlated the real water loss recovered due to non-surfacing leaks to reduction in real water loss volume.

Partner Theater Schedule — Booth #20089

Monday, June 13

10:30 AM

John Stevens, ASTERRA - Basics of Satellite Leak Detection

11:30 AM

Leonardo Gonzalez, Hidromedidores - Casos de Éxito de Asterra en México (in Spanish)

12:30 PM

Eric Trerotola, Recover - Satellite Leak Detection and Aqua America Illinois

1:30 PM

Jeff Shaner, Esri - Field Maps: A single app to support field workflows

2:30 PM

Ben Stanford, Hazen and Sawyer - Remote Sensing for Proactive Leak Detection and Energy Management

3:30 PM

Bruno Tume, ASTERRA - Case Study: Innovative Satellite Leak Detection Method & Results in Henry County, VA

4:30 PM

John Stevens, ASTERRA - Basics of Satellite Leak Detection

Tuesday, June 14

10:30 AM

John Stevens, ASTERRA - Case Study: Recover - Satellite Leak Detection and New Braunfels Utilities, Texas

11:30 AM

Tad Bohannon, CEO & Vessel the leak detection dog, Central Arkansas Water - From Satellite to Snout

12:30 PM

Héctor Juárez, Hidromedidores - Asociación para traer ASTERRA a México (in Spanish)

1:30 PM

Melissa Peralta, Hidromedidores - Evolución de la detección de fugas en campo (in Spanish)

2:30 PM

Leonardo Gonzalez, Hidromedidores - ASTERRA case studies in Mexico (in English)

3:30 PM

John Stevens, ASTERRA - Case Study: Innovative Satellite Leak Detection Method & Results in Henry County, VA

4:30 PM

John Stevens, ASTERRA - Using Satellite Radar Imaging to Detect Pipeline Leaks in Hilton Head

Wednesday, June 15

11:30 AM

Hunter Sparks, Innovyze, an Autodesk Company - Using Innovyze, an Autodesk Company & ASTERRA Technology in Asset Management

12:30 PM

John Stevens, ASTERRA - Using Satellite Radar Imaging to Detect Pipeline Leaks in Hilton Head

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