
Preventing Water Loss: Discussion at The North American Water Loss Conference

December 1, 2021
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ASTERRA Leadership Team to Speak on Preventing Water Loss at Water Loss Conference

Two industry leaders from ASTERRA (formerly Utilis) will share water leakage insights with attendees at The North American Water Loss Conference & Exposition this December. Gadi Kovarsky and Eric Trerotola will provide unique case studies where ASTERRA technology was used to find and detect water leaks as a part of growing leak detection programs.

Additionally, ASTERRA will be hosting a special guest at their booth. Vessel, a rescue dog who became the first American leak detection dog at Central Arkansas Water will visit ASTERRA booth number 311 on December 8 from 10-10:30 a.m. Vessel and her trainer will demonstrate the water finding skills of a leak detection dog and discuss Vessel’s collaboration with ASTERRA on satellite leak detection projects. The first fifty people to her demo will receive a special Vessel-ASTERRA branded dog gift.

Gadi Kovarsky, ASTERRA’s Director of Sales for North America, will be speaking on their Virginia project with the Henry County Public Service Authority. His topic is “Pro-Active Satellite Program Finds Background Leaks Reducing Recalcitrant Real Water Loss,” and his presentation is December 8 at 4:30 p.m. Henry County used the ASTERRA water leak detection technology and achieved significant water reduction results by detecting losses in the potable water system. Over 80% of the leaks found were non-surfacing and would not have been seen without the ASTERRA technology.

ASTERRA Sales Manager, Eric Trerotola, will present a case study done in partnership with Customer Success Manager, Patrick Wren. Wren was actively involved in water leak detection projects while a supervisor with AQUA Illinois and has now made the move to ASTERRA. AQUA owns and operates water systems in eight states and serves over three million people.  They contracted with ASTERRA to provide satellite radar imaging leak detection services in three states. Trerotola will present on December 9 at 9:20 a.m. His topic will be “Remote Earth Observation Identifies Pipe Leaks Reducing Real Water Losses Cost Effectively.” He will discuss the technical performance of the program and show how identifying and repairing hidden, non-surfacing, background leaks have a direct effect on real water loss and percent of non-revenue water.

The North American Water Loss Conference & Exposition will be held December 7 – 9, 2021 and is a two-day event where participants learn and discuss approaches to reduce non-revenue water, regulatory developments, and a platform to share processes, methods, and techniques with peers.

Please contact us to learn more about ASTERRA’s solutions.

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